ZDDT's Business Social Credit Scheme Extends Lifeline to Vulnerable Elders in Bulawayo

  • Written by: Tafadzwa Masviba

Bulawayo, Zimbabwe - The Zimbabwe Development Democracy Trust (ZDDT), through its impactful Business Social Credit Scheme, has recently provided much-needed assistance to two vulnerable elders in Ward 12, Bulawayo. The beneficiaries, Mr. Khumalo and Gogo Dube, have expressed their gratitude towards ZDDT for the invaluable support.

Mr. Khumalo, a resident of Ward 12, recently underwent a leg amputation due to a debilitating medical condition. The loss of his limb had rendered him in need of additional support to regain his independence. Recognizing the urgency of his situation, ZDDT stepped in to provide him with $50 donation that he said will go a long way in purchasing medical supplies.

Expressing his gratitude, Mr. Khumalo stated, “I am immensely grateful to ZDDT for their timely assistance. The donation has given me a new lease on life and the medication will restore my mobility. It will greatly contribute to my rehabilitation process and enable me to move freely once again.”

The second beneficiary, Gogo Dube, has been facing numerous challenges as she lives alone and struggles to make ends meet. Additionally, her dire financial situation meant she was unable to afford essential medications for her health conditions. Understanding her difficult circumstances, ZDDT came to her aid by providing the much-needed cash donation that will go towards her medical supplies.

Deeply moved by the support she received, Gogo Dube expressed her heartfelt thanks, saying,” ZDDT has been a true savior. I was unable to afford the medications I needed, and without them, my health was deteriorating rapidly. Their generous donation has not only improved my health but also lifted a heavy burden off my shoulders. Thank you, ZDDT, for your kind assistance.”

The handover ceremony for both beneficiaries was conducted by Councillor Mlilo, who serves as the bridge between the community and various stakeholders. Speaking at the event, Councillor Mlilo highlighted the importance of community organizations and commended ZDDT for their unwavering commitment to supporting vulnerable individuals in Bulawayo.

“We are extremely grateful to ZDDT for their continuous support and dedication towards improving the lives of our community members. The Business Social Credit Scheme has become a lifeline for many, and we are privileged to witness its impact firsthand. We thank ZDDT for their generosity and urge other stakeholders to emulate their spirit of compassion,” said Councillor Mlilo.

The Business Social Credit Scheme is an initiative by ZDDT aimed at engaging local businesses to address the needs of vulnerable community members. Through the scheme, ZDDT provides financial support to those in need, contributing to the overall upliftment of the community.